The U.S. Census Bureau is predicting that, by 2035, there will be more people over the age of 65 than children under the age of 18 in the United States. This would be the first time in United States history that the elderly has outnumbered children resulting from multiple ongoing trends, such as longer life spans among the elderly and declining birth rates among millennials. This means that the need for elder law attorneys, and other people who specifically deal with issues related to the elderly, will become more important than ever.
For example, the medical industry is expected to grow along with the aging population, as although we are living longer, we are not necessarily living healthier. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities will become more commonplace. There will also be increased issues related to disability law and accessibility, as people with disabilities also live longer (or, conversely, healthy people are more likely to live long enough to get a disability). The economy and society will slowly shift to accommodate our aging population simply as a matter of necessity.
Unfortunately, not everyone is equipped to handle these sorts of changes, especially as they themselves start to grow older and experience the same issues. If you’re not prepared to care for your aging family members ahead of time, you may find yourself trying to sort out issues like estate planning, advance directives, living wills and other similar issues as they become emergencies. Aging, however, is a very predictable process, and so you don’t need to let it become an emergency.
If you or a loved one are dealing with legal issues related to aging, it is best to contact an experienced New York elder law attorney who can guide you and help you plan for your future. The attorneys at Hobson-Williams, P.C. are skilled in all aspects of elder law, and are dedicated to representing clients with diligence and compassion. To speak to an attorney or to schedule a consultation, call 866-825-1LAW.